Comboio and Moinho Vivo | Urban Furniture Workshop

As part of the 31st Bienal de São Paulo's Program in Time, the collective Comboio and the movement Moinho Vivo are developing a series of cultural and educational workshops from September to November, 2014. Check the schedule of the Urban Furniture Workshop:

Location: Favela do Moinho (Rua Dr. Elias Chaves n.20 - Campos Elíseos)
Dates: November 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Registrations via with the name of the activity in which you intend to participate in the subject line.

More information on Comboio and Moinho Vivo Workshops

Favela do Moinho (Rua Dr. Elias Chaves n.20 - Campos Elíseos)
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